Our Platinum Joint Venture Operations



Jena Mines is a Joint Venture operation between Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation and Landela (Pvt) Ltd. It is a fully operational mine running underground operations in a a number of shafts.

Jena Mines is located within the central plateau, known as the highveld, which is about 650 km long and 80 km wide at an elevation of +1,200 m. Annual average precipitation is 500mm falling in the summer months between October and April. Mean daily maximum temperature is 24°C in October and mean minimum is 14°C in July.

Project Operational Status

Jena Mines is currently serviced by three main vertical shafts, one main incline shaft, two sub-inclined shafts and one sub-vertical shaft. The main shafts are clustered within a radius of about 2km and the processing plant is 5km away from the closest operating shaft. The principal mining method is underhand bench stopping with a 15m x 30m block with box raises at 10m interval along the tramming level (haulage). When benching, 1.5m deep holes are drilled to a burden and spacing of 0.7m x 0.7m and charged with emulate E150 x 28mm explosives and ANFO, fired by ignitor cord and stope fuses. In some ore shoots where the up dip limits of ore has not been located or where the pinch at the ore shoot renders underhand stopping impractical, shrinkage stopping is then applied. Sub-level lashing is done by wheel barrows while main haulage lashing is normally done by either 12B EIMOC air loader or 21B EIMOC air loader. In stopes, it is either hand lashing using shovels or its scrapping using 50hp scrappers. Hand tramming is done at Stump sub-vertical 209m level and Termite 260m level while tramming in all other haulages is done by 2,55tonne battery powered locomotives. 


Jena Mines is located in the central Midlands Province of Zimbabwe. The area is characterized by low rainfall of approximately 720mm per year. Maximum temperatures of 24 degrees Celsius in summer and a minimum temperature of 14 degrees Celsius in winter are experienced in this locality. Vegetation of thorn scrub and woodlands typical of savannah climate is prevalent in the area which is approximately 80km west of Kwekwe, and situated in the upper Bulawayan greenstone belt area in Silobela. 


The countryside in the Jena area is generally low relief with a gentle slope to the northwest. The mine site topography is flat with an average elevation of 1,210 m. Jena Mines lies within the Gwelo-Vungu valley. The drainage system drains northwest. The area comprises of Kalahari and Karoo sands. The Kalahari sand is distinguished from the sands derived from the underlying Karoo rocks by its deep red colour and frequently by an abrupt change in the vegetation. On the white sandy Karoo sands the trees are normally well-spaced and tall. This type of vegetation is called ‘igusi’ by the locals. The Kalahari sands are covered by a very thick thorny scrub termed ‘sinanga’ by the locals

Local Geology

Mineralization at the mine is hosted by an Archean formation (right-stepping), locally known as the Maliyami formation. Gabbro is the host rock, which resulted as an intrusion of andesite. Quartz bands and ferruginous chert highlights regional structural trends. Main lithology at Jena Mines is a mafic meta-volcanic andesitic composition comprising of lavas and tuff, agglomerate and schistose zone. A period of intense deformation during green schist metamorphism allowed auriferous reef system to form, intrusions of felsic dykes and regional uplift caused the ore mineralization. Gold mineralization is found in metagabbro and meta-dolerite sills. Pyrites are the main sulphide minerals at the mine though there are other sulphides like chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and arsenopyrites. The gabbroic zone is about 100m wide and the andesitic tuffs form the footwall and the hangingwall.

Regional Geology

Jena deposits are situated within the north western salient of the Kwekwe- Gweru greenstone belt, southwest of Zimbabwean craton. This is part of a larger complex of greenstone belts which extends approximately 300km from Bulawayo-Filabusi area in the south to Kadoma in the northeast. This greenstone belt is amongst the three-greenstone belts of Zimbabwe, namely:

        • Shamvaian belt,

        • Sebakwean belts and the 

        • Bulawayan belt.

In the northern Bulawayan greenstone belt where Jena Mines deposits are located, the Nkayi - Silobela greenstone, has a continuous structural unit linking the Bulawayan Bubi greenstone belt, 30km to the SSW Nkayi and 15km to the east of Silobela. Within the upper Bulawayan greenstone belt, there are divisions of different geological formation namely:

        • Ntobe - pillowed basaltic greenstone.

        • Leo-horst - Andesitic and dacitic tuff other lavas with cherts              and felsites.

        • Maliyami - Andesites, felsites, pyroclastes with subordinate                cherts and phyllites.

The Jena Mines deposits are hosted by the Achaean Maliyami formation which consists of moderately dipping andesitic volcanic rock intruded by pre-mineralization metagabbro and dolerite dykes. Post-mineralization intrusions include the felsic porphyry dykes. The gold mineralization occurs over a strike length of 6km within a series of parallel generally north-south trending, shear vein systems. The competent metagabbro and dolerite units are the most favourable rock types for the mineralized shear zones. Sulphides mineralization occurs as galena, stringers and dissemination of pyrites with local minor galena chalcopyrite, sphelarite and arsenopyrite. Gold concentration varies in proportion to the pyrite content.


Project Description

Elvington Gold Mine trading as Mineral Development (Pvt) Ltd is a Joint Venture between Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC) and Landela Mining (Pvt) Ltd that is engaged in gold mining. It is situated 10km North- West of Chegutu along the Chegutu - Chinhoyi main road in the Gadzema schist green stone belt. The Elvington Mine Land Inventory is under the Giant Estate Lease comprising of 1247ha farming land and 473ha of 21 mining claims, giving a grand total of 1720ha of land under the Giant Estate.

Project Operational Status 

The operation is currently going through recapitalisation so that operations can commence following a lengthy period under care and maintenance. This care and maintenance period followed a shaft collapse in 2003 and the subsequent unstable macro economic environment.


Elvington Gold Mine is located in Chegutu, Mashonaland West Province in the Gadzema schist Green Stone belt surrounded mostly by farms and small scale mines. The mine is 106km South of Harare and 10km North of Chegutu along the Chegutu-Chinhoyi highway in the Gadzema area and 2km west of the highway along Black Adder road. 


The vegetation around Elvington Mine mining lease is bushy with the most dominant trees being the Mupfuti (brachystegia woodiana), Musasa (Brachystegia randii) and Mopani (Copaifera mopane). Most areas are low-lying valley like lands occupied by farmlands, interspaced by hills and ridges of serpentinites, quartzite and Banded Iron Formations (BIFs).

The main drainage feature is the Mupfure River which cuts across the northern end of the Midlands greenstone belt. It enters the greenstone belt from the South East and flows westwards. Its main tributary is the Biri River which is 2km north of the northern edge of the mine. Small tributaries within the area are the Gadzema and Shelgan streams which are 1km South East of the mine.

The Mupfure drainage is superimposed, flowing perpendicular to the regional strike. The highest point of the map is the geodetic beacon on the Gwidzima (Gadzema) hill, which stands at 1287m above sea level.

Local Geology

Elvington Mine lies in the Gadzema schist gold belt. This is a gold bearing schist belt marking the Northern termination of the Hartley (Chegutu) gold fields, which is located on the Northern extreme end of the Midlands (Gweru-Chegutu) greenstone belt with a fold running NNW to SSE.

The rocks are a sequence of the upper greenstones of the Bulawayan system of the basement complex. The upper and lower greenstones are folded into a large complex of the basement complex anticline of which the Shangwe granites form the core. The Dewares series lies with marked unconformity upon these rocks and takes no part in the folding of the Shangwe anticline.

The rocks consists of the lower sedimentary series i.e. oxide facies, Banded iron formations, arkostic, metasediments, intrusive serpentinites, ultramafics and talc schist to name a few. The belts have been as a North-South striking overturned synform steeply dipping to the East at 70 to 80 degrees.

 Gold mineralization is associated with the Banded Iron Formations noted from the production of the mines in the areas.


Project Description

Golden Kopje is a Joint Venture operation between Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation and Landela Mining (Pvt) Ltd. 


Golden Kopje Mine is situated 140 km northwest of the capital Harare and about 22 km from Chinhoyi town along Zumbara road. The mine started underground operations in 1983 and ceased meaningful activities in 2002. The mine has 45 claims but only 2 have been worked on and the 45 claims are sitting on the rich Eldorado Reef.

Project Operational Status 

This is a non operational project that needs investment (both financial and technical) to move into production. The plan at hand is to treat dumps for the next three months while further exploration takes place and also dewatering of existing shafts. Dewatering will allow for refurbishment of shafts and ventilation equipment .Commissioning underground production will then follow as the last phase.

Local Geology

The Golden Kopje deposit occurs on the south western tip of the Archaean Chinhoyi Greenstone Belt close to its contact with the sediments of the Proterozoic Magondi belt. The Grenstone belt is a volcano- sedimentary pile consisting of the Bulawayan maficfelsic volcanics overlain by Shamvaian sediments. The greenstone belt hosts gold deposits which are structurally controlled. The Golden Kopje is on the gold mineralized Eldorado shear with strike extend of more than 30 km.


Project Description

Sabi Gold mine is a Joint Venture between Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC) and Landela Mining (Pvt) Ltd. This is a fully operational underground mining operation.

Project Operational Status 

This is an operational mine. The Mine is accessed via two vertical shafts and five adits (3 at Monte Carlo). Hoisting capacity = 850tonnes per day (600t Anglo shaft plus 250t from Far West shaft). The underhand and shrinkage mining methods are employed with sublevels.


The mine is located 13km south east of Zvishavane town and consists of an elongated mining lease 3390 hectares and eight blocks of gold (80Ha), with several shearzones trending N-S; NNE-SSW and E-W. Historically exploited to a negligible extend. 

Production History

1894 – First pegging, then production from 1904. Owned by several small workers since then, till bought by Anglo American, then Mesina Transvaal Development (MTD).

1984 - Zimbabwe Mining development Cooperation (ZMDC) acquired Sabi Mine from MTD. Workings have been done on the following orebodies: Humorist, White Sabi, Sabi Vlei, Hazard, Monte Carlo and Canada, to produce more than 7 tonnes of gold to date, from 5% of the mineralisation.

Local Geology

The Sabi gold deposits are hosted in the Belingwe Greenstone belt. The major regional feature is the Shabani gneiss (3.5Ga) hosting the Sabi shear zone that inturn host the Sabi reefs. The Mine occurs along N-S to NNE-SSW trending Sabi Shear zone and parallel structures, largely mineralised with quartz, gold and sulphides. The Main Shear is 150 wide by 21km long, dipping steeply to the east. Only one km of the shear has been exploited to date, leaving depth and extensive strike extension potential. One can estimate mine potential to be in excess of 140tonnes of gold.

Gold deposits within the zone are associated with up to 6 mineralised shears: namely from west to east, Sabi Vlei, Sabi extra, Koodoos, Sabi Main, and Devon Shears. These reefs are up to 5m wide.